ChatterBank0 min ago
Welcome To Music where you can ask about and share your favourite tunes.
MY solicitor is asking me for £90 to obtain a land registry document for my power of attorney paperwork.Is this ok...
help me understand bass and treble If i want to up the bass do i need to up the treble also and what is good ratios i dont understand they are both on zero if i put the bass on four should treble be...
Thank you to everyone who replied to previous requests
The only I am still not sure if is
CLUE SAYS Cliff or Cliff related
Many thanks in anticipation...
I'm looking for songs with at least one of these words in the title:
Saint, Patrick, Ireland, Green......Take it away Tom......
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=EmT 1ptv3VE c... word of at least 5 letters from the lyrics of Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins. Obviously HTTD is itself banned. Here are the lyrics: https:/ / lyrics. com/lyr ics/ken nyloggi ns/dang erzone. html...
I am looking for songs with at least one of the 19 English football team endings in the title. https:/ /www.go en-gb/n ews/all -19-of- english -footba ll-team -ending s-liste d/1sum7 5twczcf u1uh6mz 4fubzwn ...
Which one did you want to be? I wanted to be Cherry Gillespie. https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=Qmw -GJStoz 4...
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=UAf uMol1e- 0...
https:/ /m.yout /watch? v=tJ21g rjN6wU
A winner?...
Liverpool hosting this year. Will you try to get a ticket - and have you ever been to Eurovision?
https:/ / /news/e ntertai nment-a rts-647 84428
It's a no from me in both cases....
I don't mean the words "carry on" I mean the main subject, eg carry on jack....
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=ruT Mp4_sy1 E...
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=s7t 5wrfLDP 8...
Music makes the world go round,
Music makes the world go round.
Thanks for any information....
The word "Star" is banned.
take it away girls:
https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=d4- 1ASpdT1 Y...
The latest one if not showing in latest posts.
As a person who frequently gets goosebumps with certain songs - the main one being "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins (absolutely gets me every time) - just wondering what everyone elses trigger...
Still not 100% on clues 2 or 3...
.....with a word of at least 5 letters from the only fools theme tune, either half. https:/ /genius .com/Jo hn-sull ivan-on ly-fool s-and-h orses-t heme-so ng-lyri cs here's a starter;...
another subject for you. How about Earworms.
Mine is Little Arrows by Leapy Lee. Dont know why because I cant stand it...