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Lyrics: "I think I got you babe, I can see the fire burning"   Would be appreciated if you can help!
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what was the last song on sex and the city called and who didn it
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Nicky t
could anybody help me figure out what a song that i can half remember, its contempory but uses what i think is an oboe of flute of some sort and sounds like the beggining of Drunken Master II by finga...
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Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this fantastic song had an even better video. Was wondering 1) Where it was shot? (London?) 2) Why a US band decided to shoot it in the UK 3) Are the...
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Where can I get the backing track (in any format) to the Luther Vandross song "Any Love"?
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I was in Biarritz, France back in November and saw a live group called Zapo. They were fantastic and played sort of Irish Folk with a Rock blend using guitars and electric violins. Does...
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peter martin
Which of the bees albums features "a minha menina", the song on the citroen ad?
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Who was No.1 at Christmas 1976?
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=&quot;100%&quot; cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=&quot;100%&quot; border=0 UNSELECTABLE=&quot;on&quot;> <TBODY> <TR...
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kinky kiara
whats this song its doin me head in &quot; holdin me kissin me baby
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Does anyone know where he got the schorus and singing from his his song 'Life' please, becuase its a really good track
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Markus s
i know the first part of the tune on the london energy advert is by thomas newman. I downloaded it from Winmx but i didnt get the second half of the tune on the energy ad. is this a separate tune...
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you know ashanti's song 'only you' i love the kinda electronic bit at the begining (hard to explain) if anyones heard you know what that bit of music would be in the style or...
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Kelly Osbourne is in OK magazine this week showing her new apartment in Canada or somewhere.  She has a vintage turntable which I would like to buy but need the make and model.  It is no a...
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I' m trying to find the lyrics for Alex Glasgow's "The Junior Reporter. Any hints would be most welcome. Cheers Topcat
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I was looking about my computer and found some songs by Three Mile Pilot, they are okay. I was wondering who they are. I'm not really going to go out and look for them or get mad into them, which is...
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Hi all, I have heard a very nice song in a club. It was sung by a girl and was something like "zum zum zum ..." I don't even know if that was an english song. Any ideas? Thanks in advance and kind...
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does anyone remember a bjork performance on stage where she had some guy playing on dozens of wineglasses line up together? i
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who is the last person named in the record being dedicated to the memory of list?
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On radio 1 on a weekend before virnin kays 10am show, it plays a clasic tune... but i dont knmow what it is called does any body know... and it isnt the imperial war march before you say :p Cheers

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