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Bobbisox | 13:49 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | Music
370 Answers
sit down , relax and enjoy the songs we used to smooch,dance and have fun to :0)



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He obviously died Bobbi!!!!!! ;o)
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is he there..LOL
Love the Kinks Paddywak and that song in particular!! Thanks.
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he's just been
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afternoon Padds :-0)
hi Bobbi and all
Hi Mick x
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why was it all about death and crashes...haha, here's another, no wonder our formative years were scarred..LOL

what about this one then, one of my all time top ten
had to put this one
Mick, I prefered this version

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a very accomplished jazz singer now Mick :-)
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Time for a little bit of Motown

One very smoochy song and one I have absolutely loved since the first time I heard it.

I know I've posted this before but it's worth the replay
I thought this was a smoochy thread Bobbi?
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ooooh Lottie me too
yes Bobbi...I saw her top the bill when i was young.....Beatles closed first half of show....Dave Allen compare...and Danny Williams was the special guest

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