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The Friday Nostalgic Corner is now open...

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Bobbisox | 13:49 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | Music
370 Answers
sit down , relax and enjoy the songs we used to smooch,dance and have fun to :0)



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you have friends in high places Lottie..
what with your connections to Sing something Simple in'

craft what was that one ?

Ahhhhh, no, not Cliff Richard, no no no. Lottie runs out with fingers in ears >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;o)
Lottie crawls back because she has to finish listening to Fake Plastic Trees
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I'm after ya girl...(0-(

nice one craft..
Im right behind you Lottie
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soon be no one left in
wheres the doc and Dave???

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arghhhhhh !

Nice Kinkajou, very nice
from the ridiculous (cliff) to the greatest
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BUGGER !!!!!
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Matt monroe wont bloody stick :(
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One of my favourites

The whole CD is amazing

Arthur Lee with Love

Flower power and all that!!!
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I like it Lottie xxx
Many years ago when I was still with my ex I had to suffer through nearly 3 hours of Cliff, I've never been so glad to get out of a concert in my life.
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I love the Stones Padds, always have

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