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Who was the prettiest 1960s girl singer?

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hotguy | 14:12 Wed 07th Nov 2012 | Music
92 Answers
Twiggy not allowed


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I'd go with Julie Driscoll - utterly stunning features.
16:51 Wed 07th Nov 2012
Wrong Tony, It was Jackie McShee.

I remember Julie Felix, sibton. Can't remember what she looked like though. What did she sing? That will remind me.
Sonja Kristina from Curved Air.
I remember Julie Felix - stunning looking
Some day soon, J F, Tony
Hey I haven't mentioned Jackie Mcshee, Tilly. So how am I wrong ?.
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Julie Felix, is a name that I remember, but I can't remember anything that she sang.
SOME DAY SOON by Julie Felix
The Builder's right, Jacqui McShee!
Thanks, sibton. I remember now.
Shelley Preston from Bucks Fizz.
I don't remember that, sibo.
Someday Soon was Judy Collins, sibton.
She was on The Frost Report and had her own show on BBC Once More With Felix although in the 60s we were more often doing rather than watching
Yes Tilly, but Juli Felix recorder it as well, it's on youtube
Thank you, sibton. It's just that when you said Someday Soon, I had the picture of Judy Collins in my head, not Julie Felix. I had to Google Julie Felix to check.
Anyway. What about Sandy Denny? She was very much of her time and looked pretty with her long blonde hair.
Who was she, Tilly?
Tony, she was in a group Called Fairport Convention. A bit before your time, I think and certainly not Northern Soul.

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