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For Those That Are Of A Certain Age

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fruitsalad | 18:55 Wed 23rd Jan 2013 | Music
42 Answers
which was your favourite song from the 60s


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Everything - the Sixties were wonderful
Little Red rooster
-- answer removed --
60's 70's Prudie, when you get to my age they all seem a long, long time ago, :)
Lots of great music in the 60s but this is one of my favourites
Probably Daydream Believer
Pretty Flamingo.
The Sound of Silence

Can I cheat with Paul Anka - Diana (late 50's) the first record I ever bought.
With a little help from my friends. Joe Cocker.
Chain reaction 60s? More like mid 80s!
I wasn't around in the 60's but I love the music from that time (mainly thanks to Dirty Dancing!)

3 that come to mind are Marvin Gaye- I heard it through the grapevine, The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the devil and The Ronettes - Be my baby
80s or 60s, it's classic Barry Gibb.

so is this...
Whoops wrong one, Chain Reaction was 1986.
This is the one I meant circa 1964

Not my era but I love Green Onions.
Deportee Joan Baez
Agree with boxtops, I love it all, just too many to mention.
8 Miles High
Please Don't Go - Dusty Springfield.
Although I listen to music from whichever era, music from the 70s for me.

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