What Do You Think Of This Set List? in The AnswerBank: Music
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What Do You Think Of This Set List?

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Rockin | 20:39 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | Music
5 Answers
Hi All and thx for reading.
I have just joined a new R and B band as a drummer. Here is the set list. What do you think? Would you be happy if you heard these songs in a pub? Would you add or take away anything? One of the members described it as a rock/blues band. Not too happy about the word rock. I would prefer to punk it up a bit. What do you think?

Messin with the kid...... Junior Wells.
Around and Around...... Stones/ Berry
Lights Out..................... Dr Feelgood.
Lonesome Train........... Pirates/ Johnny Burnette
I can Tell............. Johnny Kid and the Pirates.
Full Time Lover ... Fab thunderbirds.
I just wanna make love to you.. Stones/Berry [ funk version]
Talkin Bout You... Dr Feelgood
Rock Me Baby... B.B. King
Neighbour Neighbour...Dr Feelgood
Mannish Boy.... Muddy Waters
Route 66....... Berry/ Stones
I'm a Hog for you Baby.. Dr feelgood
Cell Block no9......... Dr Feelgood
Walkin on the Edge.... Scorpions
She Does it Right... Dr Feelgood
I'm So Glad........ Cream

Thats all I can remember off hand. Didn't realise there were so many Dr Feelgood. There is another slow blues one and a Johnny Winter song. Cant remember. I have just joined them but you get the gist. What do you think. What would you change?

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List looks great to me. There's nowt wrong with a bit of Dr Feelgood.
I wish in was in your band.

The only one that looks a bit out of place is the Scorpions, although admittedly I don't know the song.
wish in? - Wish I.
The drummer.
Question Author
Cheers you three.

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