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Most Overrated Music Star?

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thesshhh | 06:41 Mon 13th Aug 2018 | Music
160 Answers
Who do you think is the most overrated music star ever? For me it has to be Elton John


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Michael Jackson. Grab crotch, thrust, squeak 'eeh hee', spin, walk backwards. Repeat for all albums and videos.
12:17 Mon 13th Aug 2018
//McCartney is definitely overrated. Since the Beatles split up it's difficult to see anything that was particularly good//

As I said earlier, I thought he was much better with Wings. All very subjective O-G
Band on the Run
London town
Wings at the Speed of Sound

All good albums.
"I hate the colour pink"
so opted for the default pink icon ;-)
Not to mention The Frog Chorus Talbot :-)
Yeah, let's not mention that :0/
Adele - the same droney voice on everything she sings.
Jayne MacDonald can't even sing.
I wouldn't mind being able to sing like her.
Has to be Rod Stewart for me.
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Chris Martin/Coldplay for me too.

Talbot: ''I have 4 or 5 of their albums''

It took you 4 or 5 albums to realise? Well done for persevering.

For me: all the musical stars/bands I don't like are overrated.
Kanye West talantless irritating oaf.
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Lilly Allen (that's if anyone does actually rate her)
As usual, people are offering their personal taste, as against answering the question.

In essence, it is possible for a musician or band to be very highly rated, as in critically acclaimed, rather than commercially successful, but not actually be worthy of that acclaim.

So using those parameters, I would have to cite Frank Sinatra, because I believe his famous 'phrasing', and very few people actually know what that means, is not really all that, and I find a singer like Matt Munro to be technically more skilled as a vocalist.

I have no personal axe to grind, I am not a fan of either singer or the genre, so I can be objective about acclaim based against actual ability, and in that, I find Sinatra seriously wanting.
Boris Johnson.
No I think Kanye West is technically and artistically sh 1 te Andy, otherwise I'd have agreed with Paul McCartney who sets my teeth on edge, Taylor Swift who I intensely dislike and Coldplay who are smarmy schmaltzy pop ( but very good at it).
I think Kaye West thrives on the 'cred' he's built up and is seriously wanting in his genre.
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Des O 'conner

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