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Paul Young Backing singers at Live Aid

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rosswood8 | 22:20 Thu 16th Feb 2006 | Music
4 Answers
Who are the backing singers for Paul Young at Live Aid 1985? I thought they were really good!


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They were called the Fabulous Wealthy Tarts and they were good werent they?
Backing singers are always good. That's why they are selected. They are usually quite sexy too which may be another reason why they are selected. Bruce Springsteen's backing singers are something to behold.

Unusually, the FWT (Kim & Maz) were Paul's regular backing singers. Most of the time different backing singers are used for live gigs ~ I could have sworn that during Live Aid the same singers were used for most of the acts. Wasn't Shelley Preston a mainstay backing singer..and that bloke who used to sing with Modern Romance in their later stages? you sometimes still see those two on TV.

Tessa Niles was also on doing the rounds

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Paul Young Backing singers at Live Aid

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