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Still no tickets - any suggestions??

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PinkFizz | 11:22 Mon 11th Sep 2006 | Music
23 Answers
Help!! I am meant to be seeing Robbie Williams on friday at Milton Keynes - 4 days time - yet I still have had no tickets or even the email that is meant to be sent out with the tracking details.I rang constantly last week and was told they would def be here by today.Friday I was told they were being sent on sat morn.Still no email.
And now I have just called Customer Care again and they have altered their automated system since friday and now you cannot actually speak to anybody at all - you just get a recored messahe which doesn't mention tickets!! What on earth do I do???


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Im soooo pleased that you eventually got sorted! Have a wonderful time all of you x

Remember kids real artists do exist. When Robbie's showbiz antics begin to grate....go seek something more real and substantial...
pinkfizz - I've not looked at directions yet but if I find out any info that may be useful to you I'll let you know.

loulou - thank you very much x

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Still no tickets - any suggestions??

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