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XFactor background music

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HKS-920 | 21:46 Sat 07th Oct 2006 | Music
4 Answers
Hey, does anyone know the name of the music on 7 oct on X factor, it was when the contestants were telling us how nervous they were, it was when they were in simsons house, and it was a bassy song with the same bass rhythm throughout, id really like to know the name of the song, thanks.


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No much to go on, but try Angel - Massive Attack
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Supakev, thank you so so much! I think you've got it mate!! oh man, im so relieved hahah! been searching for hours now to get that song! awesome, cheers mate
nee probs mate, as supakev would have said (if he'd been from Sunderland and not Hitchin)
I would have gone for teardrop,Massive Attack

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XFactor background music

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