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what's the song? HELP

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penlid | 22:27 Sat 07th Oct 2006 | Music
1 Answers
it is a hip hop sorta song and it starts off saying something about DNA airlines thenm it goes into a big song. in the middleish of the song there is a bit where there is a heart beat thing then it goes 'dead. i like this song does anybody know what it is called? thnks


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is it Just Music by the The Rhymlicks - "(Spoken by the Cap'n):

Good evening passengers. I'm your Captain uh. . . Andy Vaughn. Thank you for flying DNA Airlines, Flight 312, destination Advance, Indiana. The current temperature is 42 degrees. Arrival time approximately 11:59 pm. Your flight attendant will be around to serve you beverages shortly. The flight movie will be . .

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what's the song? HELP

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