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album that you have to be in the mood for

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nuttymum | 14:57 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Music
4 Answers
Sorry just a silly question. Was just wondering if anyone had an album in their collection that gathers dust, but you don't like to throw out, because you do like it, but you have to be in the right mood to listen to it. Mine is David Gray, White Ladder. What is yours?


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Damien Rice O
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definitely. I ab love cannonball and always ask my friend to play it on his classical guitar when he comes over, but the blowers daughter is a very haunting song
I have quite a few like that but the one that comes to mind is The Verve "Urban Hymns". Ireally have to be in a particular frame of mind to listen to that.
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Yeh i think the Manics did an album about same time and the music was definitely trying to make a point, but you could feel really down by the end of it!

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album that you have to be in the mood for

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