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I never used to like Take That, but since they made a come back...

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mountainboo | 18:26 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | Music
38 Answers
Their releasing some great songs. What do you think of the new one Rule the World? I know its in wrong sec, sorry. Isn't it on the soundtrack to the new Stardust film?
Take That - Rule the World


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Your wife is lucky ronaldo, wait till shes asleep and then go for the kill, when she tries to find them the next day, just plead ignorance, on the night of the concert make up some exuse as to why you have to go out and then go go go. Its a foolproof plan, she'll never know....
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Yeah but I wouldn't mind finding out if it's possible to cushion any blows with 80mill sat in my bank bob ;-)
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he was rich before he got the 80 mill boo and the more you have the more you want he is probably in a drug fuelled haze as we type on his own is that being happy? as legend says he doesnt know whether to come out or not he knows people are tired now of his strutting and wailing and people now see him for the fat imbecile he is
some of the loneliest people in the world are millionaires
I'm not a Robbie fan either- I'm just finding it difficult to be sympathetic to someone with that amount of money who's still unable to "find" themselves- what
Your're right mountainboo, 'twas the best. I don't think I'd be so energetic about it now though...
i adore Take That, always have. Beautiful world is a fantastic album without one bad or even average track. I love manchnian way! Sine is superb, wooden boat is lovely! All of them, i just love it!
Thanks for this you tube link, i hadnt heard it until now :-)
gary barlow is gorgeous too, just for the record lol
I was hoping to go and see them this year but i can't now ! One day hopefully, its a bit of an ambition of mine!
that should read SHINE lol
some nice piccys on this vid ladies :-) i wanted to post mancunian way but cant find it .
wooden boat
mountainboo, I didn't rate Take That very highly back in the 'old days' but I loved Patience when it was released. I didn't even realise at first that I was listening to Take That. In my opinion that was the best song they have ever done and they haven't come up with anything to beat it............yet.

Unrulyjulie, there were indeed some nice pics on that vid. I think that all the TT boys have aged very well and look better now than they ever did before. I just wish that Gary Barlow would sack his stylist. He really isn't built to wear tight trousers bless him!
funny Aprilis, the weakest song on the cd, in my opinion is Patience. each to their own! lol I foprgot to mention i'd wait for life too, which is a gorgeous song.
They have indeed aged incredibly well, way sexier than they were back then i think.
Gary looks just fine though! :D
julie, I haven't actually heard the CD as I was never interested but on your recommendation I shall check it out. And you are right, there is a sexiness to them that just wasn't there before. Sexy was never a word I would have used to describe them. But, even Howard, who is not conventionally good looking, has something about him now. I hated the dreadlocks he used to sport and he always looked like he was in need of a damned good wash! But now I think they are all attractive blokes in their own way.
Oh god, couldnt agree more about Howerd! he is rather tasty now though! Jason is gorgeous and always was but not necessarily my type, next fave is mark, such a sweetie and so cute! lol.
I gaurentee you will enjoy the cd! Its fab! especially if you liked patience!

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I never used to like Take That, but since they made a come back...

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