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Rock Group

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pjgriffo | 16:42 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | Music
7 Answers
Can anybody fill in the missing word?
1980s British Rock Group, --- Beat (7 letters)
- - O N - - I


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you've left 8 characters but as you say it's 7 letters I suggest answer will be BonJovi
sorry, couldn't read properly on my little screen- you have correctly put only 7 characters: **ON**I.
I'll think again
Bronski ...Beat
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Factor30 - thanks a lot for that. (by the way you don't need factor 30 where I am at the moment ! )
-- answer removed --
emmm bon jovi are american
..and letters weren't right for Bon Jovi... but you're a bit late... we got Bronski Beat (or are you going to argue they weren't really a Rock group... )

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