Hi All,
Who went to this concert last night? What did you think of it?
At the time of it ending I felt completely and utterly robbed and thoroughly disappopinted and I still feel this way. Even chatting to people on the tube on the way home, also felt let down and scratching their heads at what they just witnessed. That had to be one of the worst concerts I have been to.
Doors opened at 7pm, I got into the venue about 7:30/7:45. There was a DJ playing, obviously to warm up the crowd. Later, 3 young guys came out to perform. All in all this went on for nearly 2 hrs. I did not pay good money to watch these guys. I expect to be entertained by the main act for at least 90mins to 2 hours. The fact the support acts were on stage for longer that him just highlights my anger and frustration.
T Pain did not show until gone 9:30 and by the time he finished it had barely gone past 10:30. I paid all that money to see the headline act and he only performed for 1 hour. Performed? A use that term very loosley.
He spent most of the time wondering off stage, he was constantly chatting to his DJ ( I could only assume what song to sing next), I mean he should have all of this prepared....