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Any Musicians In The House?

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natalie | 19:34 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Music
77 Answers
What do you play ?


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I played the cello many, many years back.........

But let's just say I was never going to be a threat to Julian Lloyd Webber!
MarkRae ... Mellotron, is that the one with a heap of tape-loops inside? (if I'm thinking of the right thing).
..yes it is - also known as the Novotron
Never seen one, but heard of 'em. Crikey, sod maintaining that. :-(
natalie....As a favourite instrument, mine would be a piano and, despite the fact that I cannot fully master two hands on its keyboard, it is in my opinion that it is the only musical instrument (apart from a pipe organ) which is capable of producing an orchestrated sound. Hence the reason for most classical composers ( Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss etc. etc. having composed all their orchestral works on a piano.

a piano is versatile but's a starter for beginners
That's soooo cool Thambo!
Nice one Tambo !'s polyphonic if you play it using your comp keyboard too !
Am really jealous of you all.......someone asked me the other day if I could make a wish what would it be. I answered that I would love to be able to pick up any instrument and be able to play it.

By the looks of it some of you already can!
I love how I could use the computer keyboard to play it.
Press G C E A....sing - "my dog has fleas" = tuning for strings on uke.
Music was my first love and it will be the last
Music of the future and music of the past
To live without my music would be impossible to do
In this world of troubles my music pulls me through
Natalie ............. sorry I didn't reply. Had to go to the pub............... occupational hazard for builders and horn players ;o)

Most important thing with saxes is to go to a teacher right at the start. I still go to mine every week. They'll stop you from getting bad (uncorrectable) habits that would hold you up.
Alto is good for women as it's lighter. Don't think of starting on soprano though......... it's hard on the gob, and difficult for beginners to control.
I'm a big believer in teachers. A good one can make it a lot more fun, and can pick you up when you get disillusioned.
john, get a guitar.....plenty of free help on Youtube.
^^ get a 3 stringer :-)
luv that Mark....never heard of him but will return here for more. thanx
Jn1892 you could try a harmonica; they're easy/cheap and portable.

MR, r u revealed in 'that' FB group name ?

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