Some interesting if expected figures for how the Supermarkets and smaller outlets have fared during the recent time. No question as such, more just for info.
The true death figure from this virus, because every statement we hear is, ( people who have died ( in) hospital over the last 24hours, and the absents of the death rate in the community, at home or...
Will someone tell Corbyn that the GE as been long gone, and he lost. I've never seen such fake concern, him visiting flood victims on TV last night, the lengths he will go to get back in the...
Complaining about the PM not visiting flood areas, He can see what's happening the same as we all can. What purpose is it going to serve by him going. Flying from A TO B TO C all day in an expensive...
The Green vote has increased by more than 60% nationally.
Unfortunately that isn't represented by MP's as we're involved in an outdated voting system....
Another year, the same surprise: Rail prices will be increased. In the light of the seemingly little-noticed climate emergency, one would expect that transport by train and tram would be made cheaper....
It's a moot debate. NHS workers are paid by the conservative government. McDonalds workers are paid by McDonalds... Public sector vs non public sector. The online debates regarding McDonalds wage vs...
He made 220 million pounds betting that markets would collapse after the initial brexit referendum.. Now he's betting UK firms will suffer under a No Deal Brexit If no deal would be good for Britain,...
I think it's very clever of the Tories at the moment to be able to manipulate the media and blame Jeremy Corbyn for the failure of Brexit in the HOC. It's The Emperors' New Clothes. The real reason...
Revoke Article 50. Hold General Election. Elect another hung parliament. Continue as now i.e. in the EU. And obviously send Boris into his ditch never to reappear. Simples.