Some People Are Having A Terrible Time At The Moment. in The AnswerBank: Current Affairs
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Some People Are Having A Terrible Time At The Moment.

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Tilly2 | 15:34 Sun 16th Feb 2020 | Current Affairs
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Well after the latest HS2 news, Tilly all the money wasted and to be wasted on that could be better spent on flood defence...x
20:12 Sun 16th Feb 2020
Dreadful for so many.
You're right, Tilly2, and I wish that I could do something for them, but all I can do is watch and hope. One feels so helpless in such situations.
I cant imagine their hell.
I feel for everyone affected, it must be soul-destroying to see your home wrecked.
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I know BB. One feels so useless. It's heartbreaking to see again...and again....and...
It’s awful. I have a friend whose house was flooded and it was months before it dried out, flooring was replaced and they were able to move back in.
Sorry but the rest of the world must see us as wimps, when they have earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, and fires. We had some heavy rain along with a heavy wind.
It’s all relative though teacakes. If your house is currently sitting under 3ft of water I don’t suppose you give a fig about tsunamis, etc.
The rest of the world worries about their people; we worry about our own.
TC, how facetious can you get.
No one likes the truth, if you live in an area that's likely to flood be ready, they get enough warning. If I lived there, I would always have a stock of sand bags in my garden ready for such a time. Take a look the next time its on TV, you will see not many have bothered to even put sand bags at their front door or back, you sometimes have to help yourself, not wait for government or council to do everything for you.
teacake, apparently the rest of the world and you.

The cause of devastation is quite irrelevant imo. People all over suffer dreadful losses and they have to cope with the aftermath. Bless their bulldog spirit.

Tilly, I viewed the photo gallery in your link. That super elderly woman from Nantgarw ♥
You may ration your sympathy for those in distress TC, I don't.
Lots of sympathy for real suffering, Australia being one,were folk could do nothing but watch in horror, and worn torn countries, kids being bombed.
^^^ war torn.
I can't believe that you think folk in the UK are wimps and not suffering, Teacake. Have you actually watched any footage and imagined what people will have to deal with for many months and even years?
As for your sandbags in readiness. Have you bothered to inform yourself of the ineffectiveness of sandbags in certain conditions? I somehow think you haven't or you wouldn't post such tripe.
But teacake, watching your house being flooded and your possessions destroyed you’re unlikely to think ‘Well at least it’s not being burned down.’ It’s all horrible however it happens.
I’ve not been this angry for quite a while - Teacake the keyboard warrior making light of people’s suffering whilst sitting warm and dry and pontificating about sandbags - makes me sick.

I’d bet a very large amount of money that Teacake The Brave would be the first to be screaming for the emergency services if she ever had to actually face a real disaster herself - rather than a conveniently hypothetical one.
dave, don't let the daft wind-up-merchant get to you. Some people are desperate to get noticed ;)
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Although I am trying to ignore Teabag's ill-thought-out response, it's proper flood defences we need, not sandbags.

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