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Nine British Medics Have Gone To Syria.

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sandyRoe | 07:18 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | Current Affairs
45 Answers
A shining example of altruism or something they'll come to regret?


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Well done those guys!!! A shining example!!
07:22 Sun 22nd Mar 2015
No sum of money would tempt me.
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Well done those guys!!! A shining example!!
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They're not any different from the volunteers with Medecines sans frontieres
Unfortunately those people respect neither the Red Cross (Red Crescent) or the Geneva Convention, so if captured they could suffer a horrible fate. With the best will in the world, and no matter how altruistic I felt, it would not be my choice.
I agree with sandy....they are just volunteers......if they think that they have anything special to offer the sick and dying of war torn Syria, then they are mistaken, just getting in the way of more experienced workers.

Now.....if their views were truly altruistic, then why not complete their medical training in the Sudan and then go to Syria as properly trained medical personnel. Even then you would not catch me in a theatre of war, particularly in ISIS territory.

Any link as to who these people are?
Jacday....can't give you a link, but u gather that they are British subjects whose parents prefer them to study medicine in an Islamic setting and have sent them to a medical school in the Sudan.
bit foolhardy in my opinion..:0(
Oh, I didn't know. Of course, the word 'medic' covers a lot of things, are these people qualified doctors/surgeons?
No! Read my input.
//if captured they could suffer a horrible fate. //

I doubt that.

OK, no need to get cross with me. If the OP could have provided a link so that I could read it for myself I might be better informed.
Here's a link, or you read about it on any national news site
Jackdaw, read my link. The consensus of opinion seems to be they've gone to help IS.
Thank you, Naomi and Maydup, most helpful. Now I can see the full picture.
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Naomi, I'm sure you'll remember the British doctor who was arrested by Assad's security people and mysteriously died in custody.
If one fell into the hands of the wrong people there the likelihood of a 'horrible fate' seems very real.
sandyRoe, yes, I remember him.
The humanitarian bombers consensus most likely.
No. Among others, their parents. Read my link.

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