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Nine British Medics Have Gone To Syria.

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sandyRoe | 08:18 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | Current Affairs
45 Answers
A shining example of altruism or something they'll come to regret?


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Well done those guys!!! A shining example!!
08:22 Sun 22nd Mar 2015
// They're not any different from the volunteers with Medecines sans frontieres//

um they are actually - medical students from Khartoum

MSF only take qualified doctors, 2 y post grad, and with an interview

I had read the Guardian link:it mentions the families + 1 Turk, so what 'others' are you referring to ?
Another disingenuous post from Sandy. We've had quite a few of them lately. As for your 9 chums, if they're not already dead, I hope they have a slow agonising death, soon. And I wish people would stop calling vermin like this British.
Another disingenuous post from Sandy. We've had quite a few of them lately. As for your 9 chums, if they're not already dead, I hope they have a slow agonising death, soon. And I wish people would stop calling vermin like this British.
sevenOP awkward when what you want to think turns out not to be so. Never mind. ;o)

Svejk, sandyRoe is the master of the wooden spoon. ;o)
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No, I'm not. I have simply asked if these young people, going where their skills could relieve great suffering at no small risk to themselves, are the embodiment of the best of British virtues or a combination of that and a naivety that could get them into trouble.
Your unsubstantiated claim is indeed awkward for you naomi... a real Ms of Spin.
// can't give you a link, but u gather that they are British subjects whose parents prefer them to study medicine in an Islamic setting and have sent them to a medical school in the Sudan.//

I applied to Khartoum Med Scho for an attachment in 1975 and couldnt get an answer out of them. I went to Canada instead. Someone applied to Otago and when we asked why he didnt go said: because I dont have £496 ( the then airfare). Khartoum then was a western medical school. if you wanted to do balady medicine you did it somewhere else

In our glorious immediate post imperial past - Khartoum would have had European consultants and professors and their grads could work in the UK. As the equally glorious process of Africanisation took hold, the GMC took away recognition. I should be able to tell you the year

So as EU nationals ( the kids I mean ) they have to take ( I wont say re-take ) their finals or equivalent. See here
to start practice here.

They are girls anyway or some of them
Doesnt the Quran say somewhere girls cant treat men ?
what are they gonna do ? - I am not sure if they would be able to nurse the men. [ a good historical parallel is in 55 Days in Peking - real life version that is where they had a lady doctor who was not allowed to practise on the men and I am not sure if she was allowed to nurse them either - [ unacceptably indecent ] ]

Imean god would you allow a final y med student to advance upon you wielding a scalpel. I think I might pick up my bed and walk
//Another disingenuous post from Sandy. We've had quite a few of them lately.//

can we have less argumentum ad hominem and more arguing on the point please ?

I agree totally with PP.^^^^

They will just get in the way.

The surgery of war injuries is a very specialised subject.

Don't let them fool you........they are Jihadists.
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"The surgery of war injuries is a very specialised subject."
Indeed. The seriously wounded out there can have little hope. So, wouldn't these medical students still have gained enough knowledge to wield the misericord more efficiently than someone with no such learning?
sevenOP, I've spun nothing. I mentioned their parents. The link also mentions their families and a Turkish politician. Your argument is pathetic - and it doesn't make your original claim less inaccurate.
Naomi, IF you meant among their parents + 1 Turk that is not what you said
naomi24> "No. Among others, their parents. "

+1 Turk is not a plurality.... notwithstanding the parents and their families + the Turk may have been humanitarian bombing advocates, lots of those around. Maths doesn't seem to be your strong point.
sevenOP, And common sense doesn't seem to be your strong point. I meant what I said - and you were wrong. Get over it.
naomi24> "sevenOP, And common sense doesn't seem to be your strong point. I meant what I said - and you were wrong. Get over it."

Nice attempt at deflection.
"I meant what I said -" as you have said a lot in this thread maybe, for clarity, you can reiterate what you "meant" .... and also were I was "wrong". ( : I ]
I've clarified my statement.

//The humanitarian bombers consensus most likely. //

You were wrong.
By 'humanitarian bombers' I was referring to those kind souls that advocate obliteration from the skies.
You have no idea whether the families + 1 Turk advocate that or not...
or are you omniscient ?
Are you all the ticket?
Plus you evaded

"I meant what I said -" as you have said a lot in this thread maybe, for clarity, you can reiterate what you "meant" .... and also were I was "wrong". ( : I ]
oh please both of you stop the spitting and hair-pulling ....

crazy crZY kids - not Naomi and OP but the students
they will undergo some quick growing up I think

Sqad - Hi - you know Hamilton Bailey was "employed" 1940 to do a six part series on war surgery ? - as polished as his surgical picture book.

The principles are - early debridement and then delaid primary suture
but God would you like giving an anesthetic in battle field conditions ? what a nightmare. Clear fluids but no blood - even more of a nightmare.

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