Will someone tell Corbyn that the GE as been long gone, and he lost. I've never seen such fake concern, him visiting flood victims on TV last night, the lengths he will go to get back in the limelight. Using other peoples problems to get noticed.
Diddly //Better than Boris who doesn't give a whatsit about the flood victims//
No, he is sorting out compensation for the flood victims,which is eminently better than visiting them which achieves nothing.
As Anneasquith says, he has absolutely nothing to gain by visiting those hit by the floods. Had he still been on the election campaign trail, that would be another matter. Of course the visit will not mean much in the great big scheme of things but it may just show those in need that they have not quite been forgotten.
Exaactly - a bit of tea and sympathy never comes amiss. In addition, I don't think Boris has the remotest idea what a devastated home looks like - he needs to open his eyes and visit.
Bazille I still can’t see what good a PM is going to a flooded site, the damage is done so now the big clean up starts with funds being directed to the victims
Are the victims of flooding being self-righteous about who cares and visits them, as well as who is OK with allowing tax payers money to "compensate" those who really should of had insurance?
Or Teacake are you talking on behalf of the flooded?
Corbyn can literally do what he wants, as can those who were flooded. They can talk to him or refuse.