Who decides, is in charge of measures to deal with the pandemic ? The impression is sometimes being given that the scientists are, on other occasions that it is the government. No wonder people are confused, unimpressed and worse.
Elsewhere the politicians are hardly ever seen at media/public updates and announcements of aims/plans, they keep out of what others are far better at. There the scientists and public protection/police authorities are the ones who are at the forefront. The information flow is fulsome and the transparency is striking - there is no suggestion at any stage that some aspect should not be made known to the public, kept quiet/hidden until a "better/more appropriate" time (...because they couldn't handle it, need to be kept in the dark, might flip ?). From the beginning they have taken brave decisions and been authorised by the government to carry them out.
Interestingly they are doing conspicuously better than so many (including the UK in particular) with regard to slowing the thing to a tiny trickle at the first wave and again these days (well before Christmas, actually). There, public co-operation/compliance and trust in the leadership and their restrictions are streets ahead of the UK. Chicken and egg conundrum ? Vaccination is going ahead but because the situation is under control there is not the same desperate urgency as where things are chaotically out of control. Yes, I am not just astonished but verging on distraught: If it is possible elsewhere, why not in the UK - how do you explain it ?