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The Sherman | 12:30 Wed 01st Aug 2007 | Current Affairs
64 Answers
sorry if im stirring up trouble here but i just seen a post entitled boring and it seems that people seem to be well....Racist! please tell me that this site, which i often read is not frequented by low life losers who really shouldn't form opinions if they choose to live ignorant lives!! please tell me its not true!!!!

p.s anyone who wants a mature discussion is welcome here


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I can't believe you just called them that on this thread, Doc.

If you really have such a pre-set view on this subject and you're not open to accept the other viewpoint then maybe you shouldn't be on this discussion. At least TRY to be a bit more diplomatic and philosophical.
Please visit Westwood in Oldham.
I agree sherman, you are an ignorant idiot.
Question Author
you see champagne when people label people like that it disgusts me! does he even know they were pakistani?
they could have been Indian Sri Lankan or from Bangladeshi but oh look he can just condemn an entire country based on a few youths! oh and of course our young are just beautifully behaved arent they. Chav's hold their heads up high with the pride they feel for this country and all its occupants!
Our young are appalling, What about that 67 year old man playing cricket with 17 yr old son. Stoned to death by teenagers who cannot be named .

I would publicly execute them but I suppose that is wrong as well.
Hang on a mo, were they immigrants.
Whichever way you look at it this country is absolutely fcuked up.
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so far doc your views for racism are people trying to help their sick families and a couple of youths behaving badly.
you've just condemned a fifth of the population of the world
based on those incidents and you dare call me ignorant?
Truth here is there is good and bad in absolutly ever colour creed and race, regardless of age or sex, you cant generalise everybody in the same category!!!!! i hate people who think they are of a higer being that others that are not the same as them!!!!!
There's always something fishy about the French.
Doc, I hardly think your contempt for this messed up country (which I partly agree with) can be aimed solely at immigrants. There are enough problems with ill-educated BRITISH youths without blaming their antics on immigrants too. Get your facts right before you start accusing so wildly.

Plus have you done any investigation work into illegal immigrants in this country and their reasons for being here and the conditions that they have to suffer in Britain? It's not just criminals who come over here to stone 70 year old men y'know.
Hmmm, i think everyone needs to calm down and get things in perspective here.
Its muslims which are ruining this country and its values.
I think its wrong to single out certain colours and blame them for whats going on.
I havent been to oldham or niether would i want to as its run by these young 'british when it comes to claiming money' lads who think they can impose no go areas.
I have given people the solution for world peace for years, but nobody ever listens to me...
Actually, there's something garlicky about the French. I should know, I dated one for a year and a half (oh the shame).
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haha Mrben i would love to hear you solution for world peace?
MrBen, its wrong to single out certain colours but it is ok to single out certain religious beliefs. Aint�nt that ever-so-slightly hypocritical?

Champs, you will just have to learn to deal with that mistake but carry the burden forever. If you�re Irish, come into the parlour � there�s a welcome there for you.
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i would agree octavious no one religion shoud be singled out, i'm different i hate all religion equally! i feel they have no place in modern society!
Hmmm, well sherman my solution to world peace would be to blow up the moon. its as simple as that.
Octavius, i am a very hypocritical person. : )
I am narrowminded, shallow and all sorts of other bad names you can think of : )
But i am also always right and always make sense ; )
MrBen, I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

What on Earth (sic) would an inflated moon achieve?

And we were singing, hymns and arias, land of my fathers, ar hyd y nos.

Hmmm (sic), if there was no moon, there would be nothing to pray to, hence no fanatic religion, no wars...
Question Author
oh my god blow up the moon.....why didn't i think of that? thats ace! I always thought the answer would be reason and logic but thats too short sighted i should have been thinking outside the box as it were
I think we should do it!!!!
Lets have a fatwah or whatever on all muslims.

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