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September 18

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Jordyboy9 | 15:16 Thu 21st Mar 2013 | Politics
26 Answers
Now be straight with the people of Scotland mr salmond


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Naw, ye need mair than a wrist Jordyboy9, whit ye dae is.....ah'm no' finishin' this, dae whit ye're daein' an' get oan wi' it. You might get a sensible answer to your post at some point, but I doubt it.
I don't mind which way you vote as long as it doesn't affect the price of a tunnocks caramel bar. Love 'em.
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Ah winched (courted, to you doctordb) a lassie fae Uddingston wance.
Also known as 'heart-stopper'.
Wharton, that explains the rise in 'ginge' around those parts.

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September 18

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