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September 18

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Jordyboy9 | 15:16 Thu 21st Mar 2013 | Politics
26 Answers
Now be straight with the people of Scotland mr salmond


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I just knew that **** would pick my birthday for his referendum! He won't be getting any presents from me!
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Well that adds one more, 3 so far. Me, you and Queenofmean...
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It's mibbes aye ur mibbes naw Jordyboy9, ye cannae huv a 'NO NO', an' gaun wae the sound o' yur yaisername ah don't think you've goat a vote onywey.
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aw here Wharton, Jordyboy is as much a member of the AB McMafia as you or me..........
Jordyboy9 - Nae offence pal, gie yur dug a clap fae me
nungate - Ah'll get back tae you when ah kin think o' sumthin' sensible tae say (might be a wee while hen)
ach dinnae fash yersel Wharton, we're aw pals here
// Now be straight with the people ///

Fat chance, he's a politician.
Is this a thread for dyslexics? :)
doctordb - You're English, urn't ye? Ah kin aye tell.
Wessex boy born 'n' bred,
Strong in the arm 'n' great in bed.
Now that the date is set, it'd be nice to have some hard facts instead of waiting til afterwards when/if the vote is for indy then they discuss what's going to be what.
doctordb - Shaftesbury, by any chance?
Lol. Wharton.
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Two arms jordy, One to hold it still. :)
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September 18

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