New Judge, if, against Westminster's objectives or at least without their approval, Scotland decided to hold a referendum and Westminster decided to effectively "repeal" devolution and revert to the pre-Holyrood Parliament days in order to prevent the referendum going ahead then, yes, I genuinely believe the referendum would ultimately be held and under such circumstances I think Westminster (plus you and I) would correctly predict the outcome. I believe that, from that type of background and in the event of a majority vote for Scottish independence, Scotland would proceed to independence regardless of protests somewhere south of the border. However, I would hope I am not misguided in expecting Westminster to have more sense than to openly resist/obstruct a process as democratic as any other within the UK. In fact, as I am on record as having said, I fervently believe that sentiments/relations between Scotland and England would not only hold up but quite likely improve - Scotland and England would deal openly with each other once the differences are official.