// to my mind most of all was the one he asked in Poland in 2017.//
Is that the same Trump who wanted to leave NATO, presumably leaving Europe defenceless to the Russians? - well noticed grom grom
because same speech - which I commented on at the time. No no dont look back - - I pointed out it was a charles-de-Gaulle-Je-vous-ai-compris speech (*). The crowd chanted I recall trumpo trumpo Polant polant because they thought he had come to save them.
He had lots and lots of pauses for wild raucous cheering which became fainter and fainter as it unrolled that.... he wanted to leave NATO. Poles very obviously said - well what about us?
And trump kinda said - we have enough polaks in the US already thank you
2017 the campaign begins:
The Russian EMpire begins reincorporating satellite nations ( Bylo rush, Poland Estonia Lith, Ukrain Georgia ) BACK into the empire
the satellits nations ALL saying no thank you....
BUT - stalin had put Russian minorities in all of them (!) - and it is to their defence it is thogh the will invade the whole of Ukraine
AND - Lith est and the other one have returned their russian minorities over the last ten years. Not sure if the land went with them
(*) C de G said to the Algerian French je vous ai compris
and the French settlers ( pee-ay nwars) thought he was gonna nuke the norf africans
and in fact he gave the country independence and abandoned the pied noirs
the parallel ( this is AB after all !)
Trump was gonna abandon NATO and the poles and give the m back to Russia