A better, more prudent step, would be to hold yet another leadership election and start winning back the losses made so far. I've very little faith that their present economic policies will be effective (whatever they are) but much more importantly the present leader is busy trying to sign us up to anything EU related, including political and military unions, has idiots apologising for their stance against the EU, failing to trigger Article 16, making no attempt to leave the ECHR, letting the ECJ permanently stick it's nose into NI matters, etc. etc. etc.. She's starting to look like a nuclear level catastrophe for both her party & the nation; and this is just her "honeymoon" period as she settles in. Replacing Truss may be a disastrously bad idea, but keeping her is presently looking incomparably worse. The party needs a better method for choosing a better candidate from those with their hat in the ring.