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Labour On The Skids Already.

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davebro3 | 07:16 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Politics
42 Answers

//No government has ever dropped so sharply in the polls. //



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Reform with Nigel Farage at the helm hadn't been established long enough for people to have confidence in voting for them.  The election was regarded as a two horse race as always.   Come the next one - which may well be sooner than anyone currently anticipates - that could well change - and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it does.

'You reap what you sow', now where have I heard that before? 

Labour are either incredibly naiive, or there is a subterranean plan to keep them in office by changing something.... assisted dying and pressure on old folk perhaps!  OK ,that last example is not to be taken seriously, more the sort of swerve that might be waiting to keep them in power.

Reform vote was part gamble, part desperate hope. From nowhere they polled more than the Lib/Dems - and did it without a proper party organisation or - anything, really - but they were there for people who felt that there was nothing else offered that they could vote for.

After their conference, they will hit the ground running. Nigel F. is aware, I think, that this Govt. may collapse before too long......... how, I haven't the faintest idea - but how can a govt., elected on somewhere around 20% of those eligible to vote continue to get away with such drastic policies. I'm shocked by this blatant return to 70's class warfare, I really thought that that was well on its way to the dustbin of history.

The next election could be ground-breaking and the Tories have a lot of work to do as well.



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