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The Next Prime Minister

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naomi24 | 14:37 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Politics
8 Answers

Will Starmer stay the course - or rather be allowed to stay the course - and is Angela Rayner gearing up for the role?



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Rayner would be out of her depth in a puddle.
14:51 Mon 23rd Sep 2024

Angela or Corbyn?

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Corbyn isn't a Labour MP.

oh is there a vacancy  ?

Yes, I think he will stay the course, he has a huge majority. A VONC is possible but he can fight that by dishing out the sweeties if needed. Only a serious scandal involving something illegal would get him out.

No way even most of the Labour party want GOAS as PM.

Rayner would be out of her depth in a puddle.

I'm not sure Starmer will stay the course. I give him a couple of years before in-fighting and the looney left chuck him out.

Do these flights of fancy come to you in the dead of night or is it a paying job to think them up?

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The Next Prime Minister

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