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Longer Than A Lettuce.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:56 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | Politics
7 Answers

Indeed 2TK has lasted longer than the Lettuce but even LT didn't lose an MP in her short tenure and she didn't impoverish 10 million pensioners and give a croney the keys to no 10 whilst buying £45k worth of clobber on his Saville Row account. Nice going!



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//Saville Row account. //

Is that a Jimmy Saville Row account? 

No resigning of the whip but hardly a tour-de-force.

It was all a long time ago now so here's a wee timeline to refresh fading memory:

Yay, go Liz, etc.

are 10m pensioners really impoverished by losing the equivalent of £16 pm?

i bet loads of them have cars, TVs, smoke, like the people who make your lip curl by going to foodbanks when no-one can possibly be starving cause theres no such thing as poverty in britain

BA Bednobs!

Bednobs 20.34 "theres no such thing as poverty in Britain " That must be correct because Naomi said so.

Question Author

20:34 like the food bank lot you were defending the other day then!

food is considerably more expensive than £16pm

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Longer Than A Lettuce.....

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