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I Wonder Why This Number Is Rising So Quickly....

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ToraToraTora | 11:25 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | Politics
192 Answers

I think the nation has woken up to the error it has made.



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It IS a message in that so many people feel sufficiently at odds with what Labour is doing to register their disapproval so soon. I don't think this has ever happened before.
07:53 Mon 25th Nov 2024

We've seen this sort of thing before, and it's not the way to run a democratic society. This isn't Strictly, it's the real world, and we shouldn't be having mini-referenda every time there's a flap. Our system gives politicians a set term to be in charge before they can be re-assessed and kept or kicked out.

This isn't a referendum.  It's people registering their disillusionment (and I'm being kind there) with the government.  

1,000,196 signatures

I wonder how many votes there would be if there was a charge of £1 per vote.

...or if voters had to vote in person at the nearest village hall or church...

It's a petition.

yeah - let's put difficulties in the way of voting - that'll teach 'em.

Well,seeing you are the cleverest *** on this site perhaps you would better tell us,Brains?


Debate ain't in the House though, is it. Some committee will talk a bit then agree to dismiss it as not possible.


If you want a GE you need to petition Charlie to dissolve his parliament.

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it seems to be going at about 100k per hour.

If it was £1 per vote, I would buy as many as I could afford...



If it were the rich & powerful would simply buy control. Not a good system.

yeah Brexit is a disaster - oh oh - you mean you dont like present Labour adminstration - well they were elected so get over it

I remember a mod droning on about this over Brexit

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speeding up, the last 100k took 52 mins


Has anyone looked at the data regarding who is voting?

Well, signing 

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\\Has anyone looked at the data regarding who is voting?//

The data is there but it looks like a lot of Labour constituances

1,254,564 signatures now

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