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I Wonder Why This Number Is Rising So Quickly....

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ToraToraTora | 11:25 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | Politics
192 Answers

I think the nation has woken up to the error it has made.



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It IS a message in that so many people feel sufficiently at odds with what Labour is doing to register their disapproval so soon. I don't think this has ever happened before.
07:53 Mon 25th Nov 2024

Jeez Tora, take yourself off somewhere private and deal with yourself before you have an accident.

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what are you going on about me old china?

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speeding up more now last 100k took 38 mins.

Oh dear, nevermind, look what you could have won. A weeks supply of sour grapes. :●)

This could be very interesting. 

Don't worry, your charity money is still safe.

The infantilisation of the British population. Let's not vote, let's just click for what we want. Immediately; I can't wait for the proper procedure, I wannit now.


It's notgoing to achieve anything. Even if it's debated in parliament there's no chance of the government losing any sort of vote of confidence.

There was a lying toad called Kier

Who like to gather for beer

A big hypocrit

He was so anti-Brit 

And it cost his party dear

Atheist,  what is the proper procedure to get rid of an appalling government?  

Oh god, send for an ambulance.^^^

Naomi- surely  it's  a decision to call a general election, perhaps after a vote of no confidence; neither of which is  even a remote possibility for a few years, maybe not for 4 years 6 months.

Atheist seems to know - or perhaps nicebloke, NMA.

basically a dictatorship then...

I've heard of flogging a dead horse, but to this level a joke.

Apart from waiting for the next election when it might be too late, how else can the british people show their contempt for this government?

Would you prefer rioting on the streets?

Lobby MPs, by elections and local elections are my preferred methods. Petitions on individual issues may in extreme cases lead to a change in policy on that issue but will never force a GE.

The  only advice I would offer at the moment, is that TTTs OH pops him in the back seat of the jag and drives him round the block a few times, see if she can get him to nodd off for an hour or two. :○)

Should hit 1.5 million signatures by 9pm tonight. Kneeler and Robber must have been made aware of the success of this petition by their apparatchiks 🤡

according to a not insignificant number of sources on Xwitter, around half of all the signatories to this petition are not UK resident, and a good proportion of those don't even live in Europe......

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