No, you havent provided any such evidence RLM.You claim to have an open mind, but previous posts suggest that you believe conspiracies BEFORE any other explanation.
If you wish to believe in your particular theories, that is of course entirely up to you, but you persist in presenting your own world view (replete with allegations of Bin Laden being found, one interpretation of events surrounding the death of JFK as incontravertable proof) as the true version of events... thats what irritates me.
You continually ignore this basic question... if your interpretation of events surrounding WTC is correct, based upon information easily found in the public domain, why have 1,000s upon 1,000s of structural engineers, architects, demolition experts, professors, major teaching institutions not stood up and shouted their disbelief and cried out against the government coverup? Are they all part of the conspiracy? Maybe they just arent interested? (Difficult to believe)Maybe the worlds media outlets, internet bulletin boards are all controlled by the conspiracists?
Come to that, a conspiracy of that scale must have required 100s if not 1000s of people in the FBI, CIA, NSA, Government, Police Fire Service etc to participate....All of them have no conscience, all of them are willing to be muzzled? None have had an attack of conscience and come forward? Why have the major media outlets not run with the story... not as a one off docdrama, but a persistent story? Where are the Woodward and Bernsteins?
George Bush managed to orchestrate this major conspiracy less than a year after being elected as President?
You continually to present as true a conspiracy that the US Govt conspired to MURDER close to 3000 of its OWN citizens on its OWN soil in the ABSENCE of any incontravertable proof, which is wicked and despicable.It dishonours the dead and their families.