How many construction workers are there in the world, RLM?How many engineers, architects, physicists? How many of those will have taken the time to study the reports and the evidence in the 5 years and numerous scientific journals, newspapers, and TV documentaries do you reckon? Masses of them,I would have thought.
How many of those people, far more qualified to understand the mechanics of the WTC collapse than your average member of the public, have shouted out to the world " NO! the US Govt theory about 911 is wrong!" Its a coverup!"?
Very few actually make any claims to the contrary about the official explanation.And several of the scientists who have been quoted in support of the CT theories have made it very clear they were misquoted or quoted out of context.
Why is this do you reckon? Are they all part of the conspiracy ? Or have they all missed the vital evidence?Maybe they have been eliminated, or been blackmailed into silence!
I reckon its because they have seen the evidence, the reports of the investigation, and have decided, based upon their own experience and training that the official explanation of the collapse is correct .
When I see reputable scientists, universities, construction companies and engineers, fire safety officers etc coming out in droves from all corners of the world crying out against the conspiracy concocted by the dastardly US Govt, thats when I will believe its a conspiracy.
All of the allegations made by the CT crowd have been refuted, time and time again. All claim that anyone who believes the "official" view is a close minded sheep. I say that anyone who believes what they see on the CT sites without checking for counter arguments and explanations are the ones that are close minded.
You blithely assert that a Govt would mount a conspiracy of mass murder against its own citizens, and prate knowingly about the CIA and "false flag" operations etc. Its a despicable, wicked