God you lot are so out of tune.
apple knows how to con teh simple minded, apple is expensive, ergo most peopel that are early adopters or have apple products have a disposable income than your self.
Do you lead such a shallow life that what peopel do in there won time causes you to write to this forum (I know im doing it too)
I have an ipad, my 10 year old has an ipad, they get used alot, he is well on his way to a third language now, and uses it for academic as well as palying.
for those of you that cant see the point, dont worry about it.
I work in IT and have all manner of laptops and PC's i have obtained over the years, with out doubt the ipad is the best purchase in this field, I have a long comute in the morning so music and video and games, I can happily write docs (word excel) do my email surf all that stuff its perfect for me, might not be for you.
Would I wait over night to get one er no, i wouldnt
would i queue for more than an hour probably not.
but then i would not do the same things for harrods sale a new harry potter book, or free night at stringfellows (well..maybe)
I dont think any body who buys apple does it to impress or show off, there is no getting away from the fact they are just better than any other manufaturer in terms of design, they get it write far more often than not. design will out way function when it comes to buying.
Apple dont create products for you to use in the same old fashioned way you currently use they try to push things forward a bit.
Flash, before apple said no, everyone complained about how slow and fat it ws
no USB, so??? use wireless or cloud storage which is cheaper and easier
its just a media device!!, err ok
I cant install photoshop or my other software on it, yeah thats not what its for again its not aimed at people who buy a laptop and expect to keep it for 5 years.