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Here we go again........

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Lamandolinata | 14:16 Mon 13th Jun 2011 | News
48 Answers
Our country is in a mess, the elderly cannot make ends meet, so what does our magnificent goverment do : gives away £814m, what about all those elderly who gave their all in WW11. This government should be ashamed of themselves.


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lets stop aid to all countries, and deal with the problems we have in Britain first, for children in poverty, better schools, hospitals, and decent care for the elderly. theory that would be fantastic, BUT do you know what, I don't think that you would seen any difference whatsoever.
This is Britain in 2011, The State hands out vast sums of money for the benefit of some abroad and at the same time gives our parents hand-outs to help to bring up their children, and then says £500 per week isn't enough in hand-outs for some families, who do not work.

Yet what is left for our elderly?

From the above link

<<Everyday tasks include 40 per cent helping out with housework and 51 per cent doing shopping and various errands.>>

Gosh! How dreadful, how do they cope? Housework! Shopping!

We must stop saving babies from dying of pneumonia immediately so we can step in and stop this housework and shopping nightmare.

<< , according to the research by retirement specialists Audley>>

I wonder why Audley are keen to ratchet up paranoia about financial issues for the elderly? Oh yes! Of course, they sell pensions. Duh!
ok even more radical, no more child benefit after the first child. Because all we seem to do is subsidise families to have more and more children, and most parents can't really afford more than one at any rate, seeing how costly it is to feed, clothe them.
No benefits at all to people who have never worked, the only criteria would be if they had an illness, disability that would have precluded them from ever working.
No housing, social and medical care to people from overseas, those who land here with no money, but have a wife and ten kids following on, asking for asylum, and that goes for foreign prisoners, who cost a fortune to keep, they don't deserve a private family life, if they want one, send them back to their homeland, and take the children with them.
Stop doing surgical procedures on the NHS, gastric band, IVF, breast enlargement or reductions, and sundry other non essential treatments.
You could make a big difference by cutting back, not just on welfare benefits, but the governments won't do it, people i am sure would be up in arms, in fact just thinking about it, and more rioting on the streets, and for anyone who says well its uncaring and draconian, and not what we should be doing, as we are a wealthy country. That money could be used in a fairer way, for all the decent citizens who have contributed before and since.
It won't happen, but you never know....
<So the choice he has been given is help save a lot of babies or give the money to some elderly that have not saved for their old age?>

doesn't that presuppose that during their lifetime they earned enough to save?

And as far as foreign aid much of the native population's taxes are helping their own sad, poor children? I doubt very much if foreign government personnel live in hovels alongside these children.
How do some people save up for their old age when they only earn the minimum wage and scrape by each week. Some of you on here want to get out into the real world leave your computers alone for a bit.
Go out and see the doom and gloom not the nice grass and trees.
Sqad > I would use it over here. Example , my brother is a consultant surgeon at a hospital that has to make £7Million of savings, so first thing they are doing is getting rid of some nurses !!! that leaves 807million, theres plenty of places over here in the uk where the money can be used.

Ordsalsili > and we keep hearing that people arent saving enough for old age....theres plenty of people above the minimum who dont have anything left to save, and theyll have even less with the next round of gas and eleccy increases, up around around 19% and 10% repectively, and food and petrol expected to rise sharply by the end of the year, petrol expected to be £2.00 a litre by xmas.

and if the EU had their way (just a matter of time until they do) they want our VAT up to around 25%
I fail to see that immunising the children will help very much when they starve to death because their president elect has just bought himself a Gulfstream Jet with the money sent for aid ~The Government are giving money away to lost causes there is never any improvement to their lot. This continuous handout of aid should be properly accounted for, until then it should be stopped, at the present time we need it here.
Dave says we have a moral obligation to send this cash abroad

Charity begins at home so we should have more of a moral obligation to spend the £814m on services in our own country

Government is making huge cuts countrywide yet we still throw cash at foreign aid
Who ever made up that saying 'charity begins at home'?

Who did that? Can anyone name him/her?
Haven't a clue, but it definitely wasn't David Cameron
totally agree!..........what about taking care of our elderly!............shocking!........
We are all human beings Joe. We all love, hate, cry, bleed....

How anyone so lucky to be born here begrudge helping children, that without us are likely to die, is completely beyond me.
I've seen it credited to Charles Dickens, the full saying is" Charity begins at home, justice begins next door".
If our own countries finances were in order then yes, but when children here are likely to be knocked down and injured/killed due to local government cutting of school crossing patrols just to save a few quid

Do all other countries also send large sums in foreign aid like us?
Thank you Vulcan...

Charles Dickens eh? Hmmmmmmm!!
Joe, I do believe that we are not the only country that sends aid.

School crossings? What?
Government is making local authorities cut public services and one of the things under threat are school crossing patrols - lollipop men and ladies
I've just watched some Government Overseas Enterprise guy on Newsnight - Paxman challenged him as to why "we" are giving £70m to Uganda, when the President's just spend £30m on his jet. Said guy responded "ah, but that was under the Labour Government, we wouldn't allow that"...yeah, right.

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