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Should she have been set to jail?

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anotheoldgit | 14:03 Sat 09th Jul 2011 | News
15 Answers

Another case were having a child is a 'Get Out Of Jail' card.


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It might have been a harder punishment if the judge had ordered her not to frequent pubs.
Of course she should have been sent to jail, she is a vicious thug, but as usual the soft touch lenient courts took her side instead of the poor battered victim. Somebody in the family would surely have looked after the child - was there a dad (probably not!). With a mother like this, God help the child anyway - a thug in the making! I'm sick to death of people like her always getting off scot free.
I love it - typical Daily Mail bias involved - shame that they weren't closed down a la NoTW so we would be spared.

Look, overtly it does look lenient. But what is not reported is the circumstances surrounding the case - i.e. what was the role of the "grandmother" in inciting the attack? She could have initiated it. From the picture, she doesnt exactly look like a demure young woman. The jury and judge would have heard all the facts and arguments, plus of course the witnesses and, based on the verdict and evidence presented, the judge would have made an appropriate decision as to term.

The Mail pizzes me off by focusing on just a part of the story so as to fit it's opinion accordingly. The old adage of "Any set of statistics can lie, it's just knowing how to present the data." The Mail is very "professional" at this and, as we all know, there are certain ABers who believe the Mail as if it was their Bible.

Apparently the "grandma" (at 44) started dancing provoctivelyon a bar table in front of Beaumont's bf....

I am not condoning her behaviour in the attck and its aggression, but there are definitely some mitigating factors to take into account, not withstanding the chil care issue.
excuse the typo and spelling mistake!
Does it matter how the grandmother incited the attack? She didn't lash out, the younger woman did and in quite a vicious way. She was drunk, attacked the woman with a stiletto heel and kicked her when she was on the ground! Not the actions of a nice, decent young woman !
<<<<The removal of the child from his mother will not just have short-term effects, but long-term effects.’>>>>

I agree with the female judge, however I feel that the effects on the child would be BENEFICIAL if taken away from the mother,

That child has little or no future with a mother of that calibre and understanding.
Exactly sqad ....
why are they so lenient, sorry the child should be put first, and it isn't with her
Trying to get a mental picture of how my grandmother might have looked dancing provocatively on a pub table.
I agree that she should have gone to jail and the child looked after by family or social services if need be. The child is only very young and won't suffer too much being away from this mother, in fact the child will probably benefit from it. This kind of female, who gets herself drunk becomes violent, endangering another person's life, shouldn't be near a child in the first place. Too many excuses are made for behaviour like this and it really has to stop! Why is it that this ladette behaviour is particularly bad here in the UK? Probably because while the police here risk their lives doing their jobs to arrest these idiot thug types, the courts then let them off with far too lenient sentences ... that's if they sentence them at all. Children see their parents behaving like this and probably even boasting about it and they think it is normal. A viscious circle ... I have absolutely no tollerance or sympathy for anyone who becomes physically violent in a situation like this!!
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/// I love it - typical Daily Mail bias involved - shame that they weren't closed down a la NoTW so we would be spared.///

Yet another example of the 'Fascist Left', wanting all publications closed down, except the ones that support their own particular agenda.

Should the general public not be allowed to read such reports, just because some would wish them swept them under the carpet, only after they themselves have looked over them while wearing their rose tinted spectacles of course?

Regardless of what provocation a person gets they have no right to take the law into their own hands, especially in such a savage and vicious manner as this.

Isn't this what the liberal left are always preaching, but this 'caring' attitude takes some upholding, when they also support the criminal rather than the victim.

She was avoided a prison sentence just because she had a child, and for no other reason.

/// Judge Rachel Hudson told Beaumont: ‘You have a young child you clearly care for well and it is right that you have the opportunity to continue to care for him.’ ///

They are the words of the judge, not something invented by the Daily Mail.
Of course she should have been sent down, this gives any mother with small children carte blanche to commit crime without the threat of going to jail

Her child would have coped perfectly well being looked after by relatives while her mother was inside

The fact that it was a female judge sentencing gives a big clue to the reason for the judgement
AOG - Jump in the cess pit please. I am not a member of the //Fascist Left//. I am blue in my politics, albeit a great fan of Patten style political position which is defined as conservatism with a sense of humanism/(yes liberalism).

So, get your "facts" right before you start throwing around such distasteful comments.

Yes, my position is that she ought to have served time and, yes, the judge did use those words about the childcare. But also he probably took into account the provocation that she received as if it had been totally gratuitous, he would have sent her down. Also did she have previous form?

My point is that the DM report, when compared to that of the Northern Echo, was skewed and designed for Mail sensationalism and that we could serious do with less of.

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