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Murdochs priority is Brookes

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barney15c | 23:32 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | News
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Over 200 people lose their jobs and this smug b1tch is smiling like a cheshire cat while murdoch says that she's his 'priority'

Makes you sick!


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She must know where a hell of a lot of bodies are buried.....
those who bought the NoW for its puzzles may be in for a surprise

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sorry forgot the link in my anger ....
My thoughts exactly, JTH

The S-Tel reported that she is considered like a daughter by "The Digger."
how smug does she look ?
From what I read the relationship is a bit different from father daughter
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I sincerely hope they find something to stick on this vile woman, and when they do Cameron keeps his beak out, and that she gets punished by the full extent of the law. well it would in an ideal world but we all know there will be a massive whitewash because there are a lot of high profile names in high places implicated in this and Brooks knows who they are.
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While Wade was editor, the NotW turned in annual profits of £100million for Rupert Murdoch. So, some of their news gathering methods have come back to haunt them, but any compensation they will pay will be pin money compared to the wealth she generated for him.

It is regrettable that jobs have gone, but jobs are going all over the country. Public sector cuts will see tens of thousands lose their jobs, something enthusiastically encouraged by NotW jouralists.

Can't help feeling there is a bit of misogynism about the hate directed Wade/Brookes way.
He's got enough money and power to get out of this smiling. But journalism has always been considered dirty hasn't it?
Gromit, I can assure you I'd feel the same way about Brookes if she was a Hezekiah. She was editor of the NoW while some of these outrages were going on and should take responsibility. Her only defence so far has been that she was on holiday. She did not, as I recall, take such a lenient view of 'responsibility' when calling for Sharon Shoesmith's head over the death of Baby P.

It is also possible the trail of responsibility may lead as far as James Murdoch, who appears to hav signed hush money cheques but whose defence is that he'd been misinformed. Again, it was his responsibility to be properly informed.

I think Rupert Murdoch is in the clear, though.
Gromit - As a woman, I can assure you that 'whomever' had been at the helm during this monstrous situation would have been the focus of my indignation......
I found it incredible that Cameron was on the News trying to paint it as a failure of "sucessive governments".

Sucessive governments were not chums with Rebecca Brookes and did not appoint Coulson their Consultant!

And don't you think this "second chance" stuff is rather revealing?

If it had been theft of sexual assault he wouldn't have been given a "second chance"

The fact that Cameron was willing to give him a second chance betrays the fact that he didn't think that what he'd done was all that serious
Blair hired a former tabloid man as his PR chief, and Cameron, as a mini-Blair, felt he should do the same.

Blair hired a nasty little bully. Cameron, unfortunately, seems to have hired a crook, which is not the same thing. He was warned, too.
.......or that a continuous and continual line of lies was peddled by *everyone* actually concerned, in the hope (and it almost succeeded) that their denials would silence further investigations?
Apart from the personalityn assassination, based largely on media perceptions, what we need to focus our attention on as the public, is that a proper enquiry is held and that all the facts are delivered, and the guilty are punished.

Frankly, given the vested interests of all sides, I am not at all hopefull.
// this smug b1tch is smiling //.

And // this vile woman. //

I do not see the language of disapprobation towards Andy Coulsen or James Murdoch, who are probably equally to blame.
I don't speak for whomever made those comments, Gromit....

She may be being referred to in those terms but I've certainly hear James Murdoch and Andy Coulson being referred to as 'slimy b******ds' I think the sentiment is similar; I wouldn't necessarily call a woman a 'b****rd' and I wouldn't call a man a 'b***h'.....
I don't think you can make any accusations of sexism/misogynism towards the protagonists......they are *all* deeply unpleasant characters and publishable words to express this are few and far between.
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// this smug b1tch is smiling //.

And // this vile woman. //

I do not see the language of disapprobation towards Andy Coulsen or James Murdoch, who are probably equally to blame.

Mark my words Coulson is just as worthy of our disgust as Brookes, it was the manner of Brooks demeanour as she came out of Murdoch's flat yesterday cosying up to Murdoch (which goes without saying is a lothesome character anyway) grinning smugly as if to say 'you can't touch me as long as Murdoch is on my side' made my blood boil. I can't see anyone wanting to work under this woman even if she manages to avoid getting prosecuted.
perhaps murdoch is playing the ultimate puppet master, we all know that cameron and milliband are too afraid to say anything outrightly bad against rupert from all the soundbites over the last few weeks.

murdoch is keeping her on as a staunch business woman. at the point his takeover of sky reaches parliament and looks to be on even more dodgey ground - can't believe it already isn't - he will no doubt offer the removal of brookes to pave way for a conscience-cleared government decision. oh its ok everybody, he's got rid of the bad egg and shown he can run sky all on his own. ta daaaaaa.

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