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African drought.

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anotheoldgit | 13:58 Sat 16th Jul 2011 | News
209 Answers

Why does Britain need to dish out a further £52m worth of aid on top of the £13million donated by Britons to the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal launched only a week ago, plus the annual amount we already give in aid to Africa, and the amount we are obliged to donate via The United Nations.?

How much are the wealthy countries of Africa giving from their Gold and Diamond mines?


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I am really sorry if I have offended you Gromit I had no intention of doing so it's just that I have noticed whatever anyone says you seem to have the opinion that they are all completely wrong, if that is your opinion you are of course entitled to it & naturally so are we all.Ron.
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haha I think not , ask Triggerhippy how old I am , I do not favour on his radar, age or otherwise,
I see generalizing an older age group as being uncharitable pretty nasty imo
I don't want your exact ages just a rough ballpark figure, Im guessing trigger 20's and bobisox late 40's?
smarm kidding btw)
I look like my pic and I am in my 40s, ???
maybe you should have gone to Spec Savers ..LOL
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I only have the opinion they are completely wrong, when they are completely wrong. There are many instances when they are completely right, and I agree with them.

This seems a rather polarised thread. One side think we should keep our money and the other side think we should stop people dying. There does not not seem to be much common ground in the middle.

The only post on this thread which I thought was wrong was MightyWBA's because he stated $5.3billion was being spent on arms, when his own link said it was being spent on education, water and sanitation. The rest of the posts are not wrong, but I do not agree with them and offer a counter opinion.
It isn't a valid observation, if you are simply taking a snapshot of people on AB.
"don't know why bobbi is so caught up on my observation, I have explained how I feel, I do wish you would stop hounding me now bobbi "

You kidding with this little number?..ROTFL

good thread BTW aog but it may be turning a corner so I shall leave it here
Sorry bobbisox I have no idea who that is in your profile pic and still didn't want to speculate as this could've been offending. Triggerhippy what is the older generation to you? You could be 20 30, 40 or 50 so the "older" generation could mean anything.
Definition of "Foreign Aid":
The transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
I don't mind anyone knowing my age at all
65 in November,, :-)
Very good, that is extremely coherant thinking boo.
'Aint mine (sadly) its a quote from somewhere, i thought it extremely apt though :-)
65, well if triggerhippy is 40, 50 0r 60 then his "Older generation" post actually includes himself, yes?
don't know how old he is tbh, I would say late 30s/early 40s by his knitting granny remarks ..:0))))
Late 30's that is possibly a diffeernet age group but as soo as you hit 40 surely it's the same category as 60's but even then I split 40-60 into two categorys "Young thinking/living" and "at their age"
There doesn't seem to be many on here, after reading right through who said do not give aid ever again. Even AOG post doesn't say it, he said why a further 52m etc. Most people have said that Britain should contribute, and it does. But that doesn't stop people from expressing an opinion that perhaps there are also other things that the countries can do for themselves.
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" Live simply that others might simply live. ''

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