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As the BNP fades into obscurity, will they become more dangerous?

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Gromit | 06:10 Tue 26th Jul 2011 | News
21 Answers
I notice Nick Griffin has been re-elected leader. It wasn't an emphatic victory, he won by 9 votes, with 11 ballot papers being spoiled. The votes cast seem to reveal a very low membership

// Nick Griffin has been re-elected as leader of the British National Party, according to the party's website.

It said he received 1,157 votes and his opponent, Andrew Brons MEP, received 1,148. Eleven papers were spoiled. //

The EDL have stolen most of the BNPs members, presumably because they can guarantee fights at most of their demonstrations. The fear of course, is that those that remain are the hardcore nutters, the most dangerous.

Should we keep a special watch on them?


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"Have they caused deaths and carnage in our Capital? I think not. "

That reminds me of the attitude of the chap who jumps from a 10-storey building and remarks that it's ok as he hasn't hit the ground yet.
Of course these people are a threat. Most of them may seem to be uneducated nutters or people who are "angry" but too stupid and divided to actually translate their warped mindsets into direct action. But Breivik is a classic example of why we need to be less complacdent about the threat they pose.

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As the BNP fades into obscurity, will they become more dangerous?

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