"what do YOU suggest?"
Well no one is foolish enough to claim to have a simple answer to a complex problem. Nor to suggest ridiculous ideas just because they are in government. But the way forward is to identify and tackles causes, not try some knee jerk, "We'll teach those scum a lesson", type activity.
Since there is a limit on how one can interfere in the personal life of individuals it is difficult to force parents to do a good job, but one can teach right from wrong at the schools. Yes ideally it would be better before age 4+ but one can only work with the opportunities available. Regardless of whether the teaching staff are keen or not it is there the main opportunity lies, to instil a sense of discipline and respect for others and the community. On its own it will be insufficient but it is necessary.
Then you have to investigate what makes an area lose its sense of community. To uncover exactly why some feel it is the right thing to do to destroy that which belongs to others and steal whatever they can grab. Attacking decent folk in the process. There needs to be local initiatives to tackle whatever is found.
Ultimately it is a long term project to convince generation after generation it needs to work for themselves and for the benefit of others, rather than destroy in frustration and greed. To understand they can improve their lot if they try, rather than decide they have nothing to aspire to.
That's probably enough for one post.