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Brutal Murder Of Inmate...

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Philtaz | 22:39 Sun 02nd Oct 2011 | News
46 Answers
..or 'criminal justice'?

Is it a blight on the Prison Service or one less waste of taxpayer's money off the bill?

In light of what he did I doubt there'll be too many tears shed.



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Let's just point out that he was not sentenced to four and a half years. He was given an indeterminate sentence, a comparatively new thing that has only existed since 2005. It means that the Parole Board cannot even consider him for release until his recommended minimum period has expired. There are very many people still in jail after their minimum period has expired. Some of them may very well die there as they are regarded as a risk to the public. The idea behind it was to prevent the possibility of violent offenders going on to reoffend.
from what you are saying eddie, this seems to perpetuate the idea that prison harbours and nurtures criminals to become even more violent and less likely to be a welcome presence back on the street.

anyone who believes inmate justice is something to be admired, needs their head testing.
So far not one of the righteous brothers has come on to whoop and cheer that he 'got what he deserved', and they'd have done the same and all that ...

where are they all - out enjoying the sunshine?
Yeah sorry I was out andy - Woohoo! He got what he deserved! Good that the prisoners are doing their bit to solve the prison overcrowding population.
LOL ludwig!
Everyone assumes he was killed because of his original crime/crimes, but he could have been killed for some other reason known only to the killers.
Yes....but very unlikely.
Good, one last pervert in the world to worry about and anyone who thinks he didn't deserve this, did his young victims deserve the torture of rape??? GOOD RIDDANCE !!!
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I thought it was too good to last!
LOL andy

Just read this and dont really know how i feel about it at the moment, besides to say that convicted child rapists are pretty much the lowest form of scum you can possibly get.
He deserved everything he got.

A policeman once told me that there are three types of people that other prisoners hate - men who hurt children and old people and bent coppers.
he was planning to murder a prison warden, so he's progressed from being a rapist to a murderer, had the other animals not killed him then an innocent man trying to do his job wouldn't have finished his shift, wouldn't have been able to go home to his family!

Its not right to condone this sort of behaviour but i wopuld rather he was murdered than the prison warden!
you know he was held down, tortured and disembowelled right ?

and he was somebodys brother, son etc.

and where does it say he intended to do in a warden ?

and what do you imagine his killers were in a category a prison for ?
danchip - in this country we have a legal system that tries, convicts and sentences on the basis of evidence presented and argued in court.

We do not, so far, murder people for something they might - and I stress might, since there appears to be no evidence - have been planning to do.

That is thought crime, and it's in the novel 1984 - and that's where it should stay.
Ankou, read the full article!

As well as this speak to wardens who work in frankland like i have regarding this matter!

Also where in my post have i condoned this act, i merely am of the point of view that i'd rather that he was murdered than an innocent man trying to do his job!
the article in the link makes no mention of his intent to kill anyone ?
danchip - wouldn't it be better to aproach the justice system from the perspective that it is better if actually no-one got murdered, rather than a spurious 'either / or' scenario which isn't relavent to the question raised?
for someone not condoning this act, you are doing a damn good impression of someone trying to justify it.

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