shaney, we actually have a rich automotive sector - in high performance cars, motor-racing, componentry etc, then there's the biotech sector, renewables, IT sector etc, high-end precision industries, medicine and pharmaceutics, - I agree re the traditional industries but they would have been murdered anyway by the shift to low income economies (China, Korea, Vietnam and increasingly now Brazil), and those who put up heavy trade barriers or subsidies.....(e.g. China does it by keeping the RMB artificially low.....)
We do have more than you perhaps realise, not enough perhaps, but it is there and very different to the profile we were used to thirty years ago. That is perhaps the one major benefit coming out of Blairism (and I like many think that he was a prat), the way he went about encouraging new industry and inward investment was positive - and in keeping us out of (i) the Euro and (ii) some of the worst excessives of EU Labour law, and duly encouraged the Japs/Koreans/Americans/India to come in here, rather than some outpost of the European mainland.