Tense activity in the courtroom now
I have just learned that Miss Knox"s mobile phone was turned off,as was
her boyfriends mobile,for 10 hours around the time of the murder.
Apparently this was unprecedented during her stay in Italy.
Did she at least know something was about to happen to Meredith Kercher
There is so much about this case that just doesn't ring true, and her behaviour after the event was more than strange. I don't know how it will go, but an educated guess is she gets off.
well I am pleased for her but my hear goes out to the Kurchers as, for them, there is a murderer of their daughter, or murderers, on the loose.....and an unsolved crime.
E22.000 fine? Expensive digs. That will be her bed and board for the last three years then. I feel sorry for the Kercher parents. What difference did it make that the mobiles were turned off, have I missed something.
I don't feel any sorrier for the Kerchers than I did before - the world is better off having an unsolved murder than in having the wrong person jailed for it.
that Knox never turned her phone off, she was always using it, and that it had been noted by any number of people. And that the only time it was off was around the times of Merediths murder. That's no proof of guilt, however there are factors which seem to point the finger. But she is free, so perhaps she can get on with her life.