my point is the option is there for us, so it should be for them. Everyone should have the right to try and better their life.
The fact is, England will never be so bad that you feel you need to get out, it's a jolly nice place to live, well, a vast part of it is anyway.
We have everything here, at our disposal, to make our own lives as plush as we want, there doesn't have to be anything standing in our way, even the lazy layabouts can get decent cars and flat screen tellies!
This woman left her home country and moved here, would she do that if everything was rosy back home? As you said, and as I know, it can be terribly difficult to move to a foreign country, certainly at such a young age, and try and settle, I knew the language and still struggled so much I came back.
It's not a lifestyle choice for these people, it's desparation, and I personally admire individuals who will make such a sacrifice to better the lives of their families.