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Why do protesters hide behind masks?

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Bobbisox | 12:02 Mon 17th Oct 2011 | News
46 Answers
The protesters who are camped out on the steps of Saint Paul's Cathedral, most of them have their faces covered either with a mask or a scarf, surely if you believe in what you are protesting about, you wouldn't be bothered about being 'seen'


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do you think the Banking Fraternity will take much notice?
They will sneer down their greedy noses at them
>> do you think the Banking Fraternity will take much notice?<<

>>They will sneer down their greedy noses at them <<
Basically they have gone soft. Protests have been made about many things over a long period of time and it's only comparatively recently that they have covered their faces. I witnessed a number of protests during the sixties and in spite of the police taking photographs, nobody wore a mask or a scarf. They were proud of what they were doing and wanted to be seen.
They wear 'em because they have more sense that students in demos years ago who were daft enough to wear scarfs identifying the college. These, with photographs, were used to pin down the protesters. How do I know? I was at L.S.E during Suez.
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they will Dr F, they seem beyond reproach, not one has been charged with 'theft' and it was just that

Yes the problem is I do not wish to live in a unilateral state even if you do.

That is reminiscent of the Nazi Party.

Legitimate and peaceful protesters are routinely added to police/Government databases.
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even the peaceful ones?

Everyone has the right to protest in this country. They are not being arrested or moved on because they are not breaking the law. They are not being treated favourably. If you want to join a demonstration SUPPORTING the bankers you are free to do so, and as long as you do not break the law, you will not be treated any differently.
// even the peaceful ones? //

Read the link. One old chap was "Sketching".
Only kidding AOG - a little light teasing for a dreary Monday ...
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MI5 have a history of photographing and spying on people they feel may be "subversive".

In the past this has included people who have just been union members, members of CND or even prime ministers
Everybody has a right to protest in this country and the police have every right to photograph them. They've been doing it for for at least fifty years.
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Perhaps innocent people not accused of any crime, nor under investigation should have the right not to be photographed and tracked by the Police.

Just a thought
But surley if they are being tracked and photographed they are under investigation so your argument disappears?

What I find ironic is that it is unlikley many of these people work for a living. They will be sons and daughters of the wealthy or part of the great unwashed. This is borne out by the obvious fact they are not at work for long periods of time. Hypocritical or what?
What, in the same way people not found guilty of any crime should have the right to not have thier DNA kept
I love that YMB

So the police being suspiciou of you is now "grounds for suspicion" is it?

I certainly think that's how it works in most totalitarian states.

Didn't think you and your right wing buddies had suceeded in making the UK one of those yet
Many have taken their holidays to join this protest. It's about standing up for what you believe in.

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Why do protesters hide behind masks?

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