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"We know what you are Anton Ferdinand, we know what you are"

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Gromit | 08:51 Wed 02nd Nov 2011 | News
89 Answers
Sang by 1,100 Chelsea supporting morons last night.


Whatever can they mean?


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That is absolutely disgusting, I never knew how bad 'Baldies' were treated in the past and also the present.

This being so, then perhaps the time is now long overdue, for them to be given the same respect and privileges as 'Afro-Caribbeans' (your words, not mine) I would have said those of African decent, but then what about the 'Asians' the 'Italians' the 'Spanish' or all those with a different skin colour than white?
Can you tell a Spaniard from an Italian just by looking?

Were all those terrible things done to Spanish and Italians as well as Baldies.

If that is true then definitely
Italians dress far better than Spaniards JTH!
is aog ignoring my posts on purpose ? thats just mean.

is it because i am a muslim?
Hey.. I've got an idea... why not accept that it is wrong to abuse...insult... be generally unpleasant to another human being... simple isn't it but somehow folk never quite manage it...

I have mixed feelings about JT captain of the club I support but very much a product of his background.. it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he used racist terms in abusing someone... and if is is proved then he should face appropriate sanctions...

And I am afraid the behaviour of the fans is pretty typical .... safety in numbers...tribal instincts....
it's because you are bald, Ankou. Try and grow some.
shut up ginger nut

If you think yourself as one of these knowledgeable folks, I think you should truly have another think.

I am not possessing to have a 'Degree' in Anthropology, but I suggest before you try and belittle others, you should first read some books on the subject or if you can't tear yourself from your elevated position as 'AnswerBank's Anthropology specialist', at least carry out a Google search, then you may find that the question of 'Race', 'Colour' 'Genes' etc. of the world's homo sapiens is a very complicated and not too clear subject.
Exactly, AOG.
So why you constantly seek to diminish it to 'Black/brown=bad; White=good/put-upon'........I really don't know.
well we are all related in some way aog, even you and anton ferdinand.
I used to go out with a black, bald man...........he was crap at football.
craft, you went out with Dion Dublin!??... is 'that story' true!?!

/// is aog ignoring my posts on purpose ? thats just mean.

is it because i am a muslim? ///

If you mean the following one:

/// but aog these aren't just any morons, they are white right wing racist fascist homophobic violent chelsea-supporting
morons. ///

Then no I don't think it is because you are a Muslim, some have many faults, but I haven't met any as truly, silly and juvenile as you.

No it is because that post and all your subsequent posts, are as silly and juvenile, so therefore not worthy to be classed as debatable points.

Grow up a little, then go on to learn at least basic debating skills, then, and only then, perhaps I may cross swords with you over the debating table, in the meantime don't expect any more one to one exchanges with me.
...............<rumbled by paul>
It seems as if it is not only John Terry that is in trouble, it's rife everywhere.

-- answer removed --
aog, you started it with...

"Would it be equally unacceptable and therefore unlawful to use the word 'white' in amongst the insulting words?"

so nerr.
"It seems as if it is not only John Terry that is in trouble, it's rife everywhere. "

All I can say about that is: thank God!!! I must admit I listen to Talk Sport quite a lot and I get thoroughly fed up with this sort of nonsense. We do have a generally patronising attitude to foreigners (maybe we are no worse than some other countries but that doesn't make it any better).
Can't they think of a way of inspiring the fans to buy tickets without resorting to such pathetic humour?
Ok, I now need a ladder to get off this rather high horse :-)
"Hands up who thinks the police didn't make any arrests after the riots earlier this year"

I dont recall the people that started the riot being arrested to any degree, only those on subsequent days.

Of course the bitter truth about who actually started the riots off is conveniently swept aside and forgotten and the blame and reasons for, everywhere but.

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