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The more pigeon holes that are filled the more avenues they can choose to create new stories.
Admire her honesty. I seem to remember the Tories rebranding themselves as Independents in Scotland though it didn't do a lot of good. As least she is gutsy enough to fight under true colours (and I am no Tory).
News is news the Guardian is only keeping pace with the Daily Wail and Excess. I don't see what difference it's going to make to politics, gay or straight, as long as she can do the job. Good luck to her.
i dont think the newspapers were telling us anything " we " didnt know !
To be openly a Conservative in Scotland is very brave of her.
I have to say I don't see any real reason it should be plastered all over the headline, but there's not much reason it shouldn't just be mentioned somewhere in the article. As others have said, it doesn't mean much for most people, who I'd wager nowadays probably wouldn't bat an eyelid at seeing 'lesbian'/'gay' in a headline.

I have a sneaking suspicion that I know why AOG has asked the question though...
Kromovaracun, I suspect the combination of woman+gay+Tory+Scotland is rare, if not unique, so it's genuine news.
The sooner the voters of the UK realise that if all bi and gay members were to stand up to be counted - in and out of the closet, the surprise factor would be easier to bear.
The announcement merely points her out as an appropriate successor and one worthy of filling the stout shoes of the outgoing spinster of the parish, Ms Goldie.
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/// I have a sneaking suspicion that I know why AOG has asked the question though... ///

Go to the top of the class Kromo, I think you have got it in one.

Some ABers are so predictable that once again they have not failed to take my bait, and have used their usual diversion tactics, by once again wheeling out their usual anti-Tory, and anti-right-wing press remarks, rather than criticise their own 'Left-Wing Bible',

But I suspect their reaction would have been completely different had I had used the Daily Mail link.
I haven't criticised the Mail headline. It's daft, but it's not wrong, any more than the Guardian's is. Furthermore, I answered your question.

So do you think either paper was right to mention that she was gay? (I think both were.)
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/// The reason The Guardian anoounced th issue was to give YOU even more ridiculous ammo to impose on us.; ///

I didn't know I was so influential with the Guardian.

By the way, haven't you left the word 'Lefties' off the end of your sentence, because I could see you were having some typo difficulties?
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/// ok, Lefties, or rational thinkers rather than tittle tattling lame brains who explode on reading a headline rather than digest it first.///

"tittle tattling lame brains" eh?

Always tell a 'Lefty' when they have to revert to insults when backed into a corner.

But mustn't criticise, it appears to be their only 'stock in trade'.

/// Spelling allright for you ///

Not quite, see 'allright'
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Perhaps by highlighting the fact that she's gay gives a little bit of balance against the right wingers who like to trot out the usual "gays = AIDS" and "why are gay men so camp" and "gays are ruining the traditional family" and "gays are morally bankrupt" etc etc.

Perhaps this is a story that celebrates an openly gay woman making her way in the world and making a success of herself.

Good luck to her. And I don't even care she's a Tory. As long as her visibility serves as a beacon to young gay women - all the better,
"Kromovaracun, I suspect the combination of woman+gay+Tory+Scotland is rare, if not unique, so it's genuine news."

That's probably true, actually. I hadn't thought of that.
In this day and age the combination of 'Tory' and 'Scotland' really does seem remarkable.

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Why did the Guardian find the need to announce that she was gay?

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